All Town Councillors are Trustees of Hope and Fitz Parks and Trust meetings are held bi-monthly and are open to the public. Working groups are formed to deal with issues as they arise.  The Council facilitates a Christmas Lights and Events Advisory Group which co-ordinates the Christmas lighting displays, switch on event and Keswicks Midsummer Festival.

Planning applications are examined in depth by a small group of Councillors who make a recommendation to the full Council on its consultation response to the Lake District National Park as the planning authority for Keswick. The Council also appoints a Staffing Panel to deal with relevant issues.

Current memberships are:

Chair: Councillor Jean Murray
Vice Chair: Councillor Chris Houghton

Other Members: All Members of the Town Council

Mayor (Chair) Ex Officio : Councillor Louise Dunn

Trust Chair Ex Officio : Councillor Jean Murray

Trust Vice Chair Ex Officio :  Councillor Chris Houghton

Other Members: Councillors: Claire Houghton, Lorraine Taylor

Councillors: Steve Harwood, Chris Houghton, Claire Peat, Lorraine Taylor

Mayor  (Ex Officio): Councillor Louise Dunn

Other Members:

  • Councillors: Natalie Evans, Steve Harwood,  Claire Houghton, Rob Nelson
  • Representative of Keswick Tourism Association
  • Representative of Keswick Rotary Club
  • Representative of Keswick Lions Club
  • Representative of Theatre by the Lake
  • Representative of Cumberland Council- Markets
  • Representative from Cumbria Police
  • Representative of Keswick Scouts/Guides
  • Any other individual as requested by the committee

Councillors:  Claire Houghton, Steve Harwood& Claire Peat

Councillors:  Steve Harwood, Benita Lapthorn, Lorraine Taylor